Why is mudpacking recommended for use over old scars or injuries, even if they don’t hurt?

Since 1925, European doctors have done a considerable amount of research showing that old scars (or sites of previous trauma, such as a whiplash, falls, internal surgical pins, etc.) can create an Interference Fields IF which reflexes to distant, unrelated body sites to create unexplainable pain, fatigue, allergies, physiological dysfunction and many more symptoms — that are resistant to treatment.

Typically, Interference Fields do NOT resolve on their own. As a competent clinician, my goal is to look for and resolve the IFs on every patient. Otherwise, the patient will take their IFs and their problematic reflexes with them to their grave.

What is the Solution?

Ignite the Power of Mudpacks! We encourage you to learn how to use the power of mudpacks.

This is a powerful tool to help you achieve optimum health and wellness.

How Mudpack Applications Work

Scars, traumas and adipose tissue on the body typically contain accumulated toxic materials and cell wastes.

The skin is an incredible “breathing” matrix and is the largest organ in the body. Whatever you put on your skin, is absorbed internally and goes into systemic circulation. Keeping the skin healthy and detoxified naturally promotes overall health of the entire body. One of the best ways to detox is through the skin.

How I use mudpacks in my office

Benefits of In-Clinic Use:


Materials needed for mudpack therapy:

Medi-Mineral Serum: The Breakthrough


Typical Use:

Key Steps: How to Do a Mudpack

  1. (Optional) Infrared Heat (EarthWrappe) over the area for 5- 10 minutes
  2. Deep massage over area (1 minute): Loosen the “cold state” of the target area (the selected IF)
  3. Apply Mudpack to area (10-15 minutes; 20 minutes if over age 40)
  4. Walk after pack, the client MUST walk for 1 -2 minutes AFTER each pack (to initiate lymphatic circulation) OR use the Magic Fit for 1 minute. This maximizes results!
  5. (Optional but highly effective): Medi-Body Bath (10 -15 minues) – to help cleansed particles release



Nutritional Support: Immune Support formula during or after the mudpack


After the Pack: The Cleansing Foot Bath

Ideally, after the use of mudpacks, to achieve the most rapid electrolyte exchange and restoration, ionic salt/seaweed bath/foot soaks should be used (The Medi-Body Bath).

Medi-Body Bath

A body soak in halite sea water enables the minerals in the salt to be delivered to cells in the form of ions which facilitates their absorption. This formula features numerous bath-friendly ingredients including the mineral halite, also called natural rock salt, which is formed by the evaporation of salty sea water from large water bodies such as enclosed inland seas, lakes, bays and estuaries.

Halite is considered by many to be the purest form of salt, having being derived from ancient inland seas that were devoid of environmental pollutants at the time of their enclosure. Unlike commercial salt (which is iodized), halite is more granular with large chunky crystals, is not chemically processed and naturally contains over 80 trace elements. Halite is a key ingredient in Medi-Body Bath which helps soothe sore muscles and ease stress. In addition, Medi-Body Bath also features natural bentonite clay and a full spectrum of premier botanicals.

A full body bath may be recommended to patients once or twice per week and can be an excellent adjunct when they are undergoing detox programs.

Make an appointment. Contact Grace.

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    © 2025 Grace Sunga Asagra

    Website dedicated to my sister, Ruth "Ruthie" Asagra Stoos
    Thank you for motivating me to come to this country and inspiring me when you said, "I knew you were meant to do something more."
    These statements have not been evaluated by Food & Drug Administration. This product/service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.