Like ginger, turmeric is also used as a condiment in the Philippines and many other countries. As a food condiment, it has a slightly bitter taste and creamy taste when you bite on it. This bitter taste helps stimulate cellular processes in our system from digestion, absorption, and detoxification. Its yellow color is great for making food bright and attractive. So it is great for keeping our spirits up when we use turmeric. The shape of its rhizome, Turmeric, also an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, is indicative of its benefits to relieve joint inflammation and pain such as arthritic pain. The synergy when you combine ginger and turmeric is powerful. This could also be used as a poultice for any inflammation and pain. Just be careful to prevent discoloration of clothing.

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© 2025 Grace Sunga Asagra

Website dedicated to my sister, Ruth "Ruthie" Asagra Stoos
Thank you for motivating me to come to this country and inspiring me when you said, "I knew you were meant to do something more."
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