Effects of Russian Banya Therapy

Research shows that banya can exercise and stimulate every organ through increased blood circulation – something that regular exercise can’t do. Take a look at banya’s many documented benefits.

  • Toxin Elimination: By increased sweating, it helps clear approximately 30% of the body’s wastes and toxins.
  • Kidney Function: Helps the kidney’s functioning by improving internal water/salt exchanged.
  • Circulation: Increases blood circulation, stimulating all internal body organs.
  • Rejuvenated Skin: Deep cleanses the skin: opens the pores, cleanses dirt and clears dead skin cells for a more rejuvenated complexion.
  • New Skin: Helps create the conditions for growth of new skin cells.
  • Fights Fat: Increases metabolism to fight fat; stimulates the fat glands to work optimally.
  • Improved Breathing: Improves breathing; increases use of oxygen by 33%
  • More Flexible Muscles: Helps relieve soreness and stiffness in muscles by removing lactic acid.

What is Banya Therapy? Banya therapy (or banya, for short) is the use of three simple techniques that when used properly, can accelerate your health almost overnight by a quantum leap – something that none of the 3 techniques used alone can do.  Although banya was traditionally performed by a trained therapist, now you can perform banya yourself at home and get the same great results.

Banya therapy originated in Russia, where it has been used for centuries.  Historical references to Russian banya date back to 113 A.D. Even today, Russian banya is well known for its healing effects and is a fundamental part of Russian culture.  It is an integral part of their athletic training and rehabilitation

What is the Secret of Banya Therapy? Banya is designed to detoxify the body by cleansing it from the inside out, ridding many accumulated toxins in an amazingly short time.  Unlike American body therapies which typically use only one techniques during a session (such as massage), banya is unique because it uses three different techniques, moist heat, massage and essential oils, during one session to achieve an effect simply not possible when only one of these is used alone.

The essence of the centuries-old Russian banya is the combination of a moist-heat sauna, followed by massage, then the application of essential oils to the body.  Russian banya usally combines these therapies during one session.  For example: a 2-hour Russian banya might include: moist heat sauna (15 minutes), massage given in the sauna (15 minutes), moist-heat sauna vaporized essentials oils (15 minutes), massage with essential oils (15 minutes), hot tub session (15 minutes), body polish (with sea salt) or body mask (with clay) (30 minutes), finishing with a hot/cold circular shower (15 minutes).

Although a Russian banya session might appear rather elaborate, the three essentials (moist-heat, massage and essential oils) are what really make it work.  Using a simplified form of banya, you can get great results by performing your own banya session at home. (Click this link for directions)

How Does Banya Work?   The body typically maintains itself in a relatively “closed” or cold state. Banya first begins with moist heat (dry heat will not work) to begin to “open” and warm the body’s tissues, heating first the exterior, then progressively going deeper.

Sweating. As the moist heat warms and moistens the skin, the body’s circulation increases and its temperature rises.  The body naturally begins to sweat.  Since sweat contains many of the same elements as urine, it is often called the “third kidney”.  Sweating is one of the simplest, most effective ways to clear accumulated toxins.  Seating can rid the body of almost 30% of its wastes including lactic acid in muscles (which causes soreness and stiffness) and toxins, such as heavy metals, absorbed from the environment.

Massage. Once the body is sufficiently heated with moist heat, then massage is used to loosen and break up the “hardened areas” of congested muscle and connective tissue. This lets the moist heat go even deeper.

Essential Oils. With the body in an open state like “warm putty,” essential oils are then applied which can now penetrate deeply into the body to circulate their potent, healing molecules.  This produces a whole-body, cleansing effect simply not possible by applying the oils to a “cold” body.  Hardened toxins embedded in the tissues (which cause stiffness, soreness and pain) can loosen and “liquefy.” And begin exiting the body via sweat or urine – with minimal or no discomfort.  These deep-seated toxins normally remain in the body indefinitely.  Even one banya session can release toxins that months of other therapies often can’t do.

Beware of Your Source of Essential Oils. Throughout many centuries, essential oils have been revered for their healing properties.  In banya therapy, essential oils play a key role in loosening and mobilizing hardened internal toxins to rejuvenate the body.

However, be careful of your source of essential oils.  Many essential oils that are commercially available may be toxic; many can be fourth and fifth run quality, solvent – extracted (with toxic rediues remaining in the oil), chemically damaged and many are routinely adulterated with synthetic fragrances to bookst aroma. Often, there is no real essential oil in some products (although the label may claim otherwise.) Because of these deceptive practices, look for a guaranteed source of premier, first –run essential oils with no contaminants, solvents or irradiation.

Spectacular Benefits. Banya therapy can be used by almost anyone.  It is popular amongst athletes, from snow skiers to football players, who enjoy banya for its healthful and rejuvenating benefits.  Others use it to help relieve muscle pain, clear toxins, lose body weight and achieve a balanced body.  Because banya can release old toxins, long-standing conditions can more easily resolve.  We get many rave reviews about banya.

                One Russian banya therapist reported the story of a man plagues with high blood pressure and obesity.  After he came regularly for banya sessions for 6 weeks, his blood pressure normalized and his weight dropped.  In Russian, banya is commonly used for cardiovascular concerns as well as many other health challenges.

 Creating Your Own Banya

To receive the healthy benefits of banya in your own home, you can improvise.  Your hot shower can effectively provide moist heat. (Note: to avoid the toxic effects of chlorinated water, use a good shower water filter or a whole-house water purifier.)

  1. Shower First, take a warm shower for 5 to 10 minutes that is a comfortable temperature. (Later, you can work your way up to no longer showers, using hotter water.)  During the last minute o your shower, increase the temperature so it is slightly hotter, then turn off the shower.
  2. While still standing in the moist heat of the shower, gently massage one major group of muscles. (See below.) Spend extra time on any tight or sore areas.  Spend a minute or so on each muscle area, for a total of about 10 minutes.  During this time, you should feel pleasantly warm.  Do not let yourself get cold.  For each banya session, you can alternate different muscle groups that you massage.

Major Muscle Groups. For the upper muscle group, focus on your neck, shoulders, upper chest area (especially the pectoralis muscles, including under the armpit areas), upper arms and lower arms.  For the lower muscle group, use the muscles of stomach, abdomen, buttocks, legs and feet.  You may want to develop your own combination of muscles to massage.  In this special case, you may to focus only on a problem, such as the lower back, the neck or a hip.

  1. Dry off.
  2. Next, pat yourself dry with a towel.
  3. Apply Essential Oils: Now that the heat and massage have loosened your muscles, apply a few drops of a real essential oil or a combination of essential oils to each area. Their rejuvenating properties can easily penetrate your skin to provide a beneficial, whole body-effect.  Work the oil well into each area for 1 to 2 minutes.

Enjoy experimenting with various essential oils.  You may use a few drops of eucalyptus or lavender or make your own custom blend of 2 to 3 oils such as lavender oil, oregano oil and eucalyptus oil. Mix and match to find your own favorite combination of oils.

  1. Cleansing Drink. After a session, take a cleansing drink (which contains Aloe arborescens) before and after the banya procedure to help eliminate released toxins via the g.i. tract.
  2. You’re Finished. For maximum effect, keep your body reasonably warm for the next few hours.  With each banya session, you will be cleansing old toxins, releasing tight muscles and enjoying a new sense of well being.

Reactions:  As with any procedure, temporary cleansing symptoms may occur such as nausea, headache, feeling like you’re catching the flu. Etc.  These symptoms usually pass within 6 to 24 hours, as old waste particles are being cleanses.  If you are on a medication, check with your practitioner before beginning any new procedure.


  1. Buckley, Marie, “Russian Banya at Izba Spa, “Alternative Complementary Therapies, 6, no. 4, August, 2000, 191-196
  2. Aliente, M.”Sweat”, Santa Barbara, Capra Press, 1978


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© 2024 Grace Sunga Asagra

Website dedicated to my sister, Ruth "Ruthie" Asagra Stoos
Thank you for motivating me to come to this country and inspiring me when you said, "I knew you were meant to do something more."
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