Healing with mud packing is nothing new.   It has been used for many thousands of years in many cultures around the world for detoxification and nourishment. It eliminates toxic materials and cell wastes accumulated in scars, traumas and adipose tissue on the body.  It also provides essential mineral rich clay transdermally.

The skin is the largest organ that interfaces with the environment.  A healthy skin does wonders for us.  It protects us from pathogens. It modulates the body’s temperature. It provides us sensations for pleasure and protection.  It is our direct connection with the synthesis of Vitamin D, a must for general health and wellness.  It also help us heal interference fields that slow and relentlessly project blockages at distant key organs and glands of the body causing chronic inflammation.

In soil science, mudpack has a high cat-ion exchange capacity. That means that it can detox  heavy metal toxins and it is fertile  well-enough to provide nutrients to the site. This detox process does not hurt the kidneys and liver. You don’t want to add more to the current load of toxins that the body has.

Don’t use ordinary mud pack.  Use a combination of Volcanic Clay, Bentonite Clay & Herbs which has been energetically tested to maximize the ionic exchange that will promote healing.  It’s so important to make sure the source of the materials is energetically harmonious with Quantum Energy BioField that is the pre-eminent controller of all molecular processes.  When the source is poor, one can be working against Quantum, creating chaos and limiting healing.

To maximize the benefits of the mudpack, use Quantum Reflex Analysis for biofield assessment of certain ‘short circuits” and overload from stressors. This can prioritize the body’s most important needs.  Often immunological challenges pinpoint to multi-level areas involving diverse organs, glands, meridians, chakras and all systems interacting in the body.  Once identified, it can be detoxified, nourished and unblocked the pathways of bio-energetic circulation.  In synergy to the humus, Premier’s  Aloe-Mannax and Medi-Clay are also given  orally at the time of the packing.

With mudpack, individuals who want to eliminate interferences can restore the coherence or order of their bio-photons that instantaneously and molecularly receive and send messages to the DNA  connecting  it to the favoured Zero Point ‘s limitless healing. Non Coherence of the bio-photons which is random and chaotic is what causes sickness and disease. Optimally, we want coherence of the biofield to achieve perfect health. By achieving coherence, cellular resonance twoards healing takes place.

What I like with this process is the unification of Ancient indigenous ways – mud packing, and Chinese medicine – with the emerging science of Plasma Energy and Bio-chemistry of Premier’s super nutrients that has the capacity to restore cellular resonance. The application is beyond the physical level and beyond what we can see.   It is a bio-energetic intervention and when energy is addressed, not ignored in healing; chance of limitless healing is authentically experienced.   This mud packing technique has been successfully used to help thousands of people

Below are mudpacking photos for someone who had a stroke.

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© 2024 Grace Sunga Asagra

Website dedicated to my sister, Ruth "Ruthie" Asagra Stoos
Thank you for motivating me to come to this country and inspiring me when you said, "I knew you were meant to do something more."
These statements have not been evaluated by Food & Drug Administration. This product/service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.