Finally, major winter holidays are over.  You can relax.  You have made others happy and perhaps made others mad. That’s just life.  The question is how do you feel?  Exhausted? Tired? Happy…maybe? Wishing to hold on to happy memories? Pushing away unhappy holidays incidents?  Achy?  Stuffy? Feverish? Blood pressure up?  Cholesterol up? Forgetting more? Depressed? Feeling not good enough?

Fret not.  Your body is doing its bodily processes for the season.  Look around you. Leaves are mostly gone.  Animals are in hibernation. Cold snowy days are invitation to play and rest.  Plants and creatures are going within.

Our bodies are meant to go through changes for every season in the lifestyle that we live in. The question is, does changes have to be that rough to make us sick? Can we ease up our trials and tribulations when we prepare our bodies for the changes?

Yes, we can.  Here are DAILY TIPS, Part 1 from Diwatas (forces in nature/guides/angels) to get the crap out of your system.

  • SLEEP – DO NOTHING FROM 10:00 PM TILL 6:00 AM – I know.  I can hear you say, “That’s my shift to work…I have so much to do….It’s easier said than done…..I can’t fall asleep….I fall asleep…but I cannot go back to sleep….I cannot keep myself asleep…..I am bothered by noise….My husband/my wife snores….I can’t sleep…..I can’t….I can’t,,,,”   Just do your best. Have an idea/thought/intention to have enough rest and sleep. Decide to do it.  Plan on how to do it…Just do it. See what happens.
  • DRINK a lot of water.  Be like a sponge. Soak up.  Hydrate.  When I am in the woods with our dog boxer for our daily play, he takes his time to drink that cold water on the river along the trail.  Besides, inside homes and buildings,  the air is so dry with the heater.
  • PLAY OUTDOOR  As you walk, have that playful attitude of curiosity for a new day.  Feel the cool air on your face and in through your nostrils as you take cleansing breaths. Bring some soft tissues as your sinuses get busy getting rid of mucus that you don’t need.  Gently massage your nostrils, face, ears and throat while you are outside. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and be grateful for Vitamin D like your immune system shot for the season.
  • PREPARE  A HOME MADE STEAM INHALATION THERAPY ( boil 2 cups of water, place one peppermint tea bag or 3 drops of peppermint essential oil, face down on the bowl as you can tolerate the heat, close your eyes and cover your head with a towel as you take slow deep breaths.Place tissues to wipe yourself as your sinuses start draining.) Great for facial skin care.

Don’t take my word for it.  Go ahead and explore by doing these daily tips.  It’s your health.
If your are challenged with the way your body is adapting to seasonal change, you might benefit from high quality supplements for getting the crap out of your system, adding bio-available nutrients and strengthen your immune system for winter, then consider Optimal Health and Wellness with Grace for your needs. If you are already taking supplements, eating whole foods, and still challenged with your health, then you can use Filipino hilot and health coaching-mentoring services from yours truly.

All the best,

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© 2024 Grace Sunga Asagra

Website dedicated to my sister, Ruth "Ruthie" Asagra Stoos
Thank you for motivating me to come to this country and inspiring me when you said, "I knew you were meant to do something more."
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