Do you know that depression is included in the list of health conditions and lifestyle choices that puts one in the high risk for Coronary Artery Disease? Here’s the list:

  • Smoking
  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Obesity/Lack of Exercise
  • Diabetes/Poor Diet/High Cholesterol

Now that you know, what are you going to do about this?   I focused on depression since it is a condition that is not linked seriously by most people even health professionals.  For a while now, presence of pain (chronic or acute) has been considered as one of the vital signs in patient assessment.  I was wondering when assessment of depression will be included.  In one of the integrative seminars that I attended, I learned that it is best to determine the serotonin level.  Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood, social behavior, sleep, memory, appetite, learning and cardiovascular conditions. Clinical investigation and reports released a study with conclusion that serotonin is associated with coronary artery disease and occurrence of cardiac events, particularly in younger age groups.

As I was saying, what can you do about this? Or perhaps, we can ask the question, what brings you joy? What makes you want to wake up? What makes you tick?

I have a long list of things that could bring me joy but I am not too interested in what comes from outside of me since I know that is not going to sustain me.  So, if there is one thing that helps me find joy, helps me not to depress, helps me to be at ease, helps me to relax, helps me not to fight so much about stuff, help me to sleep more, helps me to have less aches, helps me feel energetic, and helps me just live life to the fullest, meditation is my answer. “My mind is the source of joy.  My mind is the source of suffering.” Is the mantra that I learned and practice from my Buddhist teacher, Ani Trime.

Our thoughts are energies.  We are energy beings.  These energies are faster than the speed of light.  That is scientifically proven.  Layman’s translation means that we can change our thoughts, and our emotions fast to be in our authentic cellular resonance that is joyful.  Instead of running away from life, we move toward life.

I have also learned to do Emotional Repolarization Technique (ERT) to clients.  This I do in combination with Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA).  Together, this procedure has been used with spectacular success to repolarize issues very quickly. In the session, we find an emotional concept to clear and the O-ring test is done.  Once client tests on, we look for a healing concept statement such as “Now I can be healthy”.  As the client states it loud, an O-ring test is again done.  When it is off, the client can use this statement for 21 days with deep concentration and conviction while repeating the concept. Re-test after 21 days is recommended.  If it continues to be off, client continues to do the practice till tested on.

These ways may not be your way.  You can explore other ways. One thing I know is that each of us can cultivate joy.  Once we learn to do that, joy never leaves us.







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© 2024 Grace Sunga Asagra

Website dedicated to my sister, Ruth "Ruthie" Asagra Stoos
Thank you for motivating me to come to this country and inspiring me when you said, "I knew you were meant to do something more."
These statements have not been evaluated by Food & Drug Administration. This product/service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.